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Available Courses

AkoVerse: BYOD - All Ages: Akoverse will turn you into a Drone Pilot and coding expert taking you on a journey through Neon Matrix, Space Station and onto mars.

PYTHON BLACK HAT: BYOD - Ages 10-12: In the first lesson of the Python course, we will be learning about syntax, comments, keywords and debugging. They are the foundation of any programming language, basic or advanced.

GAME DESIGN: BYOD - Ages 7-12: Students learn basic video game coding concepts by making different types of games, including racing, platform, and launching.

ART: BYOD - Ages 7-12: Students create animations, interactive artwork, photograph filters, and other exciting, artistic projects using code.

STORYTELLING: BYOD - Ages 7-12: Students use code to tell fun and interactive stories. Storytelling emphasises creativity by encouraging students to tell a unique story each day.

INTRO TO SCRATCH: BYOD - Ages: 7-9 Students go on a first journey through Scratch with four fun projects that introduce the core elements of Scratch and foundational coding skills.

PYTHON. GREY HAT: BYOD - Ages 10-14: In this course, you’ll learn more advanced programming practices than in black hat. This course builds off the skills you’ve learned in hacker black hat so make sure you’re really comfortable with that content first. In this course, you’ll also be introduced to soft skills.

Takapuna Normal Intermediate 4 Day Game Studio - 15th - 18th April Holidays

Cost: $395.00

Book Now

4 Day Program Information

We're really excited to get you started on your coding adventure!
Our main aim for the holiday program is to provide a fun and exciting week for our students to enjoy engaging with different technologies and meeting and mixing with like-minded people.
Depending on the weather, we will be outside for all breaks, morning, lunchtime and afternoon. We have set games and activities if kids want to join in. Fresh air is good for the brain!

Date: 15th - 18th April
Time: 9-4pm
Venue Address: At Motutapu Room, Takapuna Normal Intermediate School, 26 Northcote Road, Takapuna

Room: Our flags will be out in front of the room. Come straight in past the basketball court 

NB: Check-in starts from 8.30am at the earliest. Please do not drop your child before this as we are not able to provide supervision. Main programme finishes at 4pm, with pick-up expected from 4pm and no later than 4.30pm as charges may apply. .

Children get to take home their own AkoTech CodeCamp T-shirt when they join Holiday Program.

Program Information

Here's an idea of the content we'll be working through:

Day One — We’ll get to know each other with some icebreakers and get to know our courses and groups. We will put you in your preferred group and show you our courses. You will start your coding journey.

Day Two — Continue on with structured learning of computer science concepts and do presentations to show everybody what we have built and learned so far. 

On day 2, there is a 1/2 day fun robotics session for coding and programming using Scratch or Python.

Day Three — We will start group projects. Get into teams and start brain storming, planning for our imitation client, who wants us to build games. You will learn about Agile project management, Kan Ban boards and Scrum teams.

PM: We have our daily stand-up scrum meeting and get back to work on our projects. More collaboration in teams on projects, we'll go back over what we've learned over the last couple of days.

Day Four — Final Project Day - Code Freeze at 10.30am. We’ll work as a team to build, polish and present/pitch our awesome projects.

At the end of each day at 3:30pm to 4:00pm, students will present what they have achieved in Metaverse so we can experience new environment and all learn new tricks and tips to present properly.


More Information

AkoTech CodeCamp starts at 9am and ends at 4pm.

Remember to bring your lunch. Please help us create a nut-free environment. We want to avoid any possible allergies.

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Remember your sun cream. 

SUPER IMPORTANT: Please make sure to write down your login details if you have existing accounts with Scratch, Tynker, Gmail etc. somewhere safe and bring them with you.

Students must have access to an email account at all times. You will need a Google Account for Gmail. If you are under the age of 13 we suggest setting up a family account, you can allow your children access to this account while on camp and then you may change the password after if you wish.

Please don't forget your Username & Password for Gmail. Students can use their School Gmail accounts but must be able to access the emails.

Important Notice

Please remember to bring your laptop. You don't need anything special or high spec, just something with WiFi. iPads and tablets can be used, but we do suggest a laptop as best.

If you are unsure on some of the details shown below like what device to bring etc, please also see our FAQS here akotech.nz/OurPrograms#faqs 

For other questions, feel free to email us at northshore@akotech.nz. You can also find the answers for your questions on FAQ section above. 

And lastly...

Don’t forget your imagination and creativity!

Parents are most welcome to drop in 15-20 minutes before the end of each day to see the awesome things we are getting up to!


Awesome thank you guys. They loved it, much more than any of the computer courses they have been to.
Maddi messaged me today ‘love it, can we go back next holidays’
Thank you, obviously you are doing great things with the kids. We will be back!"


"Thanks so much for all your hard work. Flynn really enjoyed his day with you today. I haven’t seen him so happy and engaged in a long time!
He can’t wait to come back and is keen to continue for the whole week."

Lucy B.

"the girls are loving it thanks Peter!!!
Let me know what after school options you have for term 4!"

Maire B.

"A great week had by the girls – they are keen on the next one already!"

Mark A.